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More House and The Briss now shipping

Debut novels by Hannah Calder and Michael Tregebov hitting bookstore shelves this month

2009.06.15 — More House by Hannah Calder, and The Briss by Michael Tregebov, were simultaneously released on June 15, and should be available from the ubiquitous better bookstores not long after that.

More House, is the fantastic and fantastical first novel from the UK-born, BC-raised Hannah Calder, who recently returned to Vancouver after living the past few years in Barcelona, Spain. It features cover art by the well-known Vancouver-based illustrator Roxanna Bikadoroff.

The Briss recounts the effect on a nice, progressive Jewish family in Winnipeg when their beloved son falls in love with an aristocratic Palestinian beauty, who is soon to have their child. Michael Tregebov, who was born in Winnipeg, has lived since 1982 in Barcelona."