Roger Farr

Roger Farr

Described as "a poet of great heart and aesthetic/political commitment", Roger Farr is the author of five books of poetry: Surplus (2006), Means (2012), IKMQ (2012), a finalist for the BC Book Prize in Poetry in 2013, I Am a City Still But Soon I Shan't Be (2019), and most recently, After Villon (2022). The Amorous Comrade, a collection of essays on anarchism and sexual politics, is forthcoming in 2024.

A former member of the artist-run Kootenay School of Writing collective, his critical writing on avant-garde poetics and radical social movements has appeared in
Anarchist Studies, Armed Cell, Fifth Estate, Perspectives on Anarchist Theory, The Poetic Front, West Coast Line, and XCP: Cross Cultural Poetics. He edited the three-volume anthology Open Text: Canadian Poetry and Poetics in the 21st Century (2008-2013), and was Critical Editor for Alice Becker-Ho's The Essence of Jargon: Argot & the Language of the Dangerous Classes (2015). Recent writing appears in Geist, SOME, SUBterrain, and Tripwire.

Since 2001, he has taught at Capilano University, where he has acted as a Board Member and Advisory Editor for
The Capilano Review, Curator of the Open Text Reading Series, Editor of CUE Books, and Convenor of the Creative Writing Program.

Books by Roger Farr

IKMQ by Roger Farr I Am a City Still But Soon I Shan't Be by Roger Farr After Villon by Roger Farr The Amorous Comrade by Roger Farr