Debbie: An Epic by Lisa Robertson

Debbie: An Epic

  • Poetry
  • 96 pages, 6×8 inches
  • Price: $18 CAD · $16 USD
  • ISBN: 9780921586616
  • Date published: 1997-01-01
  • Availability: in print & available


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About Debbie: An Epic

Lisa Robertson has applied her rhetorical skills to the epic, and what emerges is a spectacular, subversive vision of the world through female eyes. This is an act of sheer writerly bravado, taking and tweaking the form, enlarging the world between the covers of a book. The language is lush, the concept superactivated, growing over the page at an astonishing clip.

About Lisa Robertson

Lisa Robertson is the author of the poetry collections Cinema of the Present, The Weather, Debbie, and XEclogue, and the essay collections, Occasional Work and Seven Walks from the Office for Soft Architecture and Nilling. She was born in Toronto and lived in Vancouver for many years. She has taught at universities in the US and Europe, and now lives in France.

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