Loitersack by Donato Mancini


  • Poetry
  • 128 pages, 6×9 inches
  • Price: $21 CAD · $19 USD
  • ISBN: 9781554200856
  • Date published: 2014-11-13
  • Availability: in print & available


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About Loitersack

"If the loitersacke be gone springing into a taverne, I'll fetch him reeling out."

"Loitersack" is 17th century slang for a lay-abed, a lazybones. In his new book Loitersack, Donato Mancini (You Must Work Harder to Write Poetry of Excellence, Bookhug, 2012) extends his inquiry of Canadian poetry and poetics in the form of a book that contains poetry, poetics, theory, theory theatre, and laugh particles.

In many ways a companion piece to You Must Work Harder, Loitersack works through some of the problems and questions Mancini posed in that work, a more manifest (if not traditional) work of criticism. Loitersack is in some senses a commonplace book — a scrapbook of borrowed quotations — in other senses it is the poet's personal book of critical reflections, describing a broad topography of poetic knowledge. Like all Mancini's work, it's wired for explosive laughter; and as in all his previous work, Mancini sets out to write a book unlike anything else he — or anyone else, for that matter — has ever read.

About Donato Mancini

Writer / critic / visual artist Donato Mancini is the author of You Must Work Harder to Write Poetry of Excellence (2012), Buffet World (2010), Æthel (2008), and Ligatures (2005). Two of his New Star books of procedural and visual writing, Ligatures (2005) and Æthel (2007) were each nominated for the ReLit Award, and Ligatures received honourable mention in the Alcuin Society book design awards.

A long-time member of the Kootenay School of Writing, he was a principal organiser of the interdisciplinary N 49 15.832 - W 123 05.921 Positions Colloquium in August 2008. Other publications include 105 posbL resons 4t ;; of thot, an artist's book from Bookhug (Toronto, 2010); Fact 'N' Value, a book edition from Fillip (Vancouver, 2011) as well as poetic and critical writings in publications such as The Capilano Review, Open Letter, West Coast Line, Rampike, W, The West Wind Review, Parser, ditch, Area Sneaks, Poetry is Dead and Against Expression: An Anthology of Conceptual Writing.

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