New Star News

Review of Reviews: Naked Defiance by Patrik Sampler


Patrik Sampler’s Naked Defiance has been taking reviewers for a ride recently, take a peek at what they’re saying in this latest roundup of reviews:

In the Vancouver Sun, Brett Grubisic writes, “A puckish, mirthful fabulist, Vancouver area writer, Sampler (The Ocean Container) ramps up with a tour de force of lies and contradictions. When a solid black redaction bar appears on the first page, he signals his affinity for a wordsmith’s game-playing. ‘I’ll pique your curiosity,’ the author appears to tease, ‘and then completely refuse to help you out.’” 


For BC BookWorld (page 16), Gene Homel calls Naked Defiance, “a jumbled mix of narrative tricks, young adult hijinks, and surreal scenarios, packaged with a bit of mystery story about that fellow hiding behind an animal mask.”



And in The British Columbia Review, Steven Brown writes, “A Comedy of Menace is the subtitle of this fine novel. Although it can be looked at as menacing comedy, there’s a lot else going on. Naked Defiance is also an arcane and elaborate fiction. It’s elusive and complicated. Subversive is another word. The storyline is absurd and the characters are ridiculous, but the reading experience is compelling…Even so, Patrik Sampler makes a brilliant, inventive literary effort.”

Find a copy of Naked Defiance at your local independent bookstore here!








Update on Panel Discussion on the Postmedia Effect at SFU


Join us for an informative and fascinating discussion at SFU’s Harbour Centre campus on Thursday July 27, as Marc Edge leads a panel discussion with Professor Robert Hackett, Professor Emeritus of Communication at SFU and Charlie Smith, editor at Pancouver. The panel will use The Postmedia Effect as an anchor to examine topics surrounding Postmedia and its fall from grace, Canadian media, and democratic media policies and what they mean for the future.

Thursday, July 27th, 7:00pm
Room 1400– SFU Harbour Centre
555 W Hastings St, Vancouver

Drinks and snacks will be served after the event.

Not able to join us here in Vancouver? The event will also be broadcast live on Zoom. Be sure to register here.

Click here to find a copy of Edge’s The Postmedia Effect: How Vulture Capitalism is Wrecking Our News at your local independent bookseller!



Marc Edge

Marc Edge is media columnist for Canadian Dimension. He has been a reporter and editor for the Vancouver Province and the Calgary Herald, and a professor of journalism in Canada, the US, Fiji, Singapore, and Malta. His doctoral thesis won the annual dissertation award of the American Journalism Historians Association and was published as his first book Pacific Press: The Unauthorized Story of Vancouver’s Newspaper Monopoly. The Postmedia Effect is his latest book.



Charlie Smith

Charlie has more than three decades of experience in the Vancouver media. In that time, he has worked at CBC Radio, CBC TV News, BCTV News (now Global News B.C.),  and private radio.  He was also editor of the Georgia Straight for 17 years and taught journalism at Kwantlen University College (now Kwantlen Polytechnic University) for seven years.



Professor Robert Hackett

Robert A. Hackett is Professor Emeritus of Communication, Simon Fraser University. He is actively engaged in research and writing and has written extensively on media democratization, and journalism as political communication. His most recent collaborative books include Expanding Peace Journalism: Comparative and Critical Approaches (2011), and Remaking Media: The Struggle to Democratize Public Communication (2006).


The Postmedia Effect in the media

Marc Edge was a guest on All in a Day with Alan Neal on CBC Radio, where he  discusses the potential Postmedia-Nordstar merger that has stirred questions about the state of Canadian news media. He also answers the question: is the country’s news industry on the verge of a Postmedia monopoly? Listen to the full interview here:

Marc Edge on CityNews


Marc Edge spoke to John Ackermann over at CityNews to discuss “the latest chapter in the long-running saga of consolidation in Canada’s newspaper sector.” He also discusses the failure of the Nordstar merger. Listen to the entire interview here  or read it here.

The Effects of The Postmedia Effect :: Plus! Panel discussion @ SFU


Marc Edge’s The Postmedia Effect  has been making waves in the media as of late, check below for all the buzz. But first, an event announcement!

Join us for an informative and fascinating discussion at SFU’s Harbour Centre campus on Thursday July 27, as Edge leads a panel discussion on topics surrounding Postmedia and its fall from grace, Canadian media, and democratic media policies and what they mean for the future.

Thursday July 27th, 7:00pm
Teck Gallery Lounge Room 1400 (Updated)– SFU Harbour Centre
555 W Hastings St, Vancouver

Stay tuned for an announcement on the panelists!

In this opinion piece for The Globe and Mail, Edge writes “The hedge funds have unfortunately followed the “harvesting” strategy of cutting costs and selling off assets on the assumption that newspapers are dying. Publications which have instead invested in quality content and developed a loyal base of online subscribers, however, have found that there is still a solid business model for newspapers, even in print. Time will soon grind further upon Postmedia, and it should be allowed to decline. Federal subsidies work only to keep payments flowing to hedge funds, with debatable returns for taxpayers.


Marc has also been interviewed for Canada Talks by Arlene Bynon on SiriusXM. He discusses the future of Canadian media in view of the recent Bell layoffs, Postmedia financial troubles, calls to defund the CBC, and the many traditional Canadian media outlets that are struggling right now.


Marc appears as a guest on the Law Bytes podcast with Michael Geist. He helps make sense of Bill C-18 that led Meta to confirm that it will be blocking news sharing on its Facebook and Instagram platforms given the economic costs and uncertainty with the law. Marc discusses this bill as a continuum of lobbying for government support that has resulted in hundreds of millions of dollars, as examined in The Postmedia Effect. Listen to the podcast episode here.

You can also follow along with Marc as he takes over a guest spot on Terry Glavin’s substack, The Real Story for a three part series. The first instalment, The News, Past Tense is up now. Delving into the shaky foundations on which today’s hollowed-out newsrooms are now balanced.

The Postmedia Effect has also ruffled a few feathers over at the Postmedia-owned Financial Post. It seems Terence Corcoran is not-too-chuffed with Edge’s ‘ideological smear job’, give it a read…


Book Launch :: Naked Defiance :: May 20


Join us in Vancouver to celebrate the launch of Patrik Sampler’s latest book, Naked Defiance. Described by author Angie Abdou as ‘wickedly smart and disarmingly funny’, Naked Defiance is the story of a turn-of-the-century radical art group and its charismatic leader. It is written by one of the group’s members, Florian Moore (probably a pseudonym), and lands on the desk of novelist / editor Patrik Sampler, who is tasked with preparing Moore’s manuscript for publication.

WHEN: Saturday May 20

WHERE: People’s Co-Op Bookstore 1391, Commercial Drive Vancouver 

This event will include a reading and a discussion/Q&A session, followed by snacks and drinks.

RSVP on Facebook






Available Now :: The Postmedia Effect by Marc Edge


The Postmedia Effect is available today!

Detailing the past two generations of gutted newsrooms, dwindling reporting staff, and funds funnelled to profit margins, Marc Edge takes Canada’s dominant newspaper chain, Postmedia, as a case study laying bare the changes in news economics that have devastated Canadian newspapers. Described by Alexandra Kitty in the foreword as ‘sobering, devastating, shocking, surreal, and maddening’ The Postmedia Effect is a must-read.

Praise for The Postmedia Effect:

‘The mainstream media has been dismantled in recent years. One reason is that it’s been bought up by ‘vulture’ investment funds with no interest in journalism. Marc Edge’s book The Postmedia Effect is a devastating account of what happened to Canada’s largest newspaper chain when such funds got hold of it. It’s a sobering read, especially if one is alarmed about the state of a free and diverse media.’
– Bruce Livesey, author of Thieves of Bay Street

‘Like the Murder on the Orient Express, there were so many perpetrators involved in the murder of our newspapers. Now that Edge has given such a clear explanation, we might have a chance to revive the corpse.’
– Mark Bourrie, author of Big Men Fear Me

‘The Postmedia Effect is one of Marc Edge’s best writing efforts to date. The story is compelling, informative, and maddening. The narrative he crafts has elements of Greek or Shakespearean tragedy, filled with hubris, self-delusion, deception, power-hungry schemers, and, if you’re Canadian, a feast of tragedy.’
– Marshall Soules, author of Media, Persuasion and Propaganda

Click here to Shop Local and find a copy of The Postmedia Effect at your favourite independent bookstore!

Or online at:
Ebooks available on:

MARC EDGE, a business journalist who worked for dailies in Vancouver and Calgary before completing a PhD in media economics, has been documenting the political–economic transformation of the news business from its mid–century concentration (Pacific Press, 2001), through “convergence” (Asper Nation, 2007), and now, in his new book, the dire effects of the financialization of the news business. His work has also appeared in The News We Deserve (2011) and Red Line, Blue Line, Bottom Line (2004). He lives in Ladysmith, BC.

Available Now :: Naked Defiance by Patrik Sampler


Naked Defiance by Patrik Sampler is available today!

Following a turn-of-the-century radical art group, this compelling novel unfolds as a report on the mysterious death of the group’s leader while in police custody, as written by one of its members, Florian Moore (probably a pseudonym). Tensions mount as the group, and their public performances, are threatened by increasingly disturbing disruptions.

Laced with paranoia and dark social commentary, Naked Defiance “comes as a welcome and necessary challenge to the miserable logic of capitalism” according to Angie Abdou.

Click here to Shop Local and find a copy of Naked Defiance at your favourite independent bookstore!

Or online at:
Ebooks available on:

PATRIK SAMPLER‘s writing has appeared in a variety of publications including The Guardian, The Millions, and The Scofield. He has been a contributing editor for the surrealist journal Peculiar Mormyrid, and devoted much of a postgraduate degree to the late-career work of Abe Kobo. Sampler’s first novel, The Ocean Container, was published in 2017 by Ninebark Press. He lives near Vancouver.

Book Launch :: My Paddle’s Keen and Bright :: Feb 27


Join us round the (metaphorical) campfire for songs and celebrations as we launch Rika Ruebsaat’s My Paddle’s Keen and Bright!

Camp veterans of all ages and backgrounds reflect on their memories of summers spent away at camp; of passionate friendships forged in the course of days; of crushes on counsellors; the campfires and songs; the skinned knees and overcome fears; and the indelible lifelong impressions these experiences have left on them.

Monday February 27
St James Community Square – Mel Lehan Hall
3214 W 10th Ave, Vancouver

RSVP on Facebook


Rika Ruebsaat is the past president of the Princeton & District Museum & Archives, and has been a professional singer and, for most of her working life, a teacher. With Jon Bartlett she’s released seven albums, mostly of traditional Canadian songs; and one book, a collection of vernacular verses from the pages of the local presses in the Similkameen valley. A resident of Princeton, BC, she attended Camp Galilee in the West Kootenays in the late 1950s and then Camp Artaban on Gambier Island in the early 1960s.

Campfire Reminiscing :: My Paddle’s Keen and Bright – Available February 9


Camp veterans of all ages and backgrounds reflect on their memories of summers spent away at camp; of passionate friendships forged in the course of days; of crushes on counsellors; the campfires and songs; the skinned knees and overcome fears; and the indelible lifelong impressions these experiences have left on them.


The countdown to camp is on! Rika Ruebsaat’s My Paddle’s Keen and Bright is set to hit the shelves February 9.

Every facet of camp experience is described, from the bus or boat that takes you away from the familiars into a new world of strangers, to the bittersweet partings and memories lasting a lifetime. Campers describe the terror, and exhilaration, of learning about new people and different lives outside of their own families; the food, strange rituals, and exciting new adventures involving boats, or horses, or hikes, chores, even practical jokes.

Grown–ups from all social classes and outloooks established summer camps. The storytellers reflect on their experiences in the more traditional summer camps organized by Boy Scouts or Girl Guides; the camps organized by religious organizations or around political viewpoints. The differences – and, more often, the continuities – provide a fascinating and unique perspective into a world that continues to leave an indelible mark on society, even as the world of summer camp slips into history.

Find the book at your local independent bookstore, including:
Biblioasis :: Misty River Books :: Booklore :: McNally Robinson :: The Book Keeper :: The New Octopus :: Book City :: Another Story :: Yellowknife Book Cellar :: Laughing Oyster Books :: Books on Beechwood :: Blue Heron Books :: Black Bond Books

You can also pick up a copy of Paddle online at:

Or the ebook is available on:

Keen to get around the campfire and share a few songs and stories? Here’s a quick sneak peek at some upcoming events across BC, watch this space or subscribe to our newsletter for updates!
February 17 – Nanaimo Folk Connection
February 27 – St James Community Hall
March 16 – Princeton Library
March 17 – Keremeos Library
April 4 – Penticton Museum

Book Launch :: The Sky and the Patio in Penticton


Join us at the historic Leir House in Penticton next month for the launch of Don Gayton’s latest book, The Sky and the Patio hosted by former CBC broadcaster, Bob Nicholson.

Ecologist Don Gayton holds a frame up to his own backyard Okanagan Valley, revealing that there’s more to be told by a tree’s rings than just its age, more to be learned from the sockeye than a suitable wine pairing (though Gayton also offers his expertise there). From the wonders of composting to the finicky particulars of at-home-viticulture and cannabis growing, these 25 essays draw together lessons learned over a career of ecological research guided by both an attentive, scientific eye and a careful, reverent pen.

WHEN: Friday December 9 – 7PM PST
WHERE: The Leir House
220 Manor Park Avenue, Penticton

There will be books, wine, and plenty of wisdom to be shared! RSVP and check the event page here on Facebook for updates.

Watch this space for announcements about future BC launches for The Sky and the Patio.

George Bowering’s Could Be Longlisted for Fred Cogswell Award For Excellence In Poetry


We’re thrilled to announce that George Bowering‘s latest collection of poetry, Could Behas been longlisted for the 9th annual Fred Cogswell Award For Excellence In Poetry. 

Presented by the Royal City Literary Arts Society and judged this year by poet and novelist Evelyn Lau, the award honours poetic excellence in the same way Fred Cogswell did through his iconic press, Fiddlehead Poetry Books, and the still-running literary magazine that he founded, The Fiddlehead.

Could Be is a collection gathering work since his close call five years ago, Bowering shows off a wiser, though not necessarily mellower, aspect alongside the wit and unerring ear readers have come to expect from one of our greats. These are poems that look out into the world with fresh eyes, curious as any young poet’s. Only now the shadow of mortality finally takes its proper place alongside life’s many other sources of magic and wonder. Sunlight and warmth suffuse these poems, formally spanning short lyric verse, “found” stuff, and a long poem (“Sitting in Jalisco”). Rewarding attention as always, with Could Be George Bowering adds to a substantial body of work.

The winners will be announced at a virtual awards ceremony on Saturday December 4.